Jeongyong Kim
- University of Incheon
- Incheon National University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Dongguk University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
External person
Dong Hyuk Park
- Korea University College of Medicine
- Inha University
- Department of Applied Organic Materials Engineering, Inha University
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Division of Nano-Systems Engineering
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Neurosurgery
- Department of Physics and Institute for Nano Science, Korea University
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Department of Applied Organic Materials Engineering, Inha University
- Department of Physics and Hybrid Nanostructure Research Lab
- Department of Physics and Institue for Nano Science
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Seoul National University
External person
A. J. Epstein
- Ohio State University
- The Ohio State University
- Univ of Rochester
- Department of Physics, Ohio State University
- Department of Physics
- University of Rochester
- Korea University
- Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry
- Departments of Physics and Chemistry
- Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry
External person
Bo Hyun Kim
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea University
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Physics and Institue for Nano Science
- Inha University
- Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
- Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology
- Kongju National University
External person
Young Ki Hong
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Department of Physics, Korea University
- PhysicsDepartment
- Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering, Kyung Hee University
- Korea University
- Cheongju University
- Cheong-ju University
- Department of Sports Medicine
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Polymer Hybrid Research Center
- Graduate School of Medicine, Korea University
- Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Graduate School of Medicine
- Department of Sports Medicine
- Department of Physics and Hybrid Nanostructure Research Lab
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laboratory of Infection and Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Korea University
- Department of Mater. Sci. and Eng.
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Division of Infection and Immunology
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Mi Y. Cho
- Department of Physics Korea University
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Department of Physics and Hybrid Nanostructure Research Lab
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Computer Network Research Lab, Department of Electronics Engineering, Korea University
- Computer Network Lab.
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute for Nano Science, Korea University
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Jun Young Lee
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
- Korea University
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
External person
Yong Baek Lee
- Department of Physics, Korea University
- Natl. Creative Res. Initiative C.N.
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Physics and Hybrid Nanostructure Research Lab
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Hyoung Jin Choi
- Inha University
- Dept. of Polym. Sci. and Eng.
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Inha University
- Dept. of Poly. Sci. and Engineering
- Korea University
External person
Eun Hei Cho
- Department of Physics, Korea University
- Natl. Creative Res. Initiative C.N.
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Physics and Hybrid Nanostructure Research Lab
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Seong G. Jo
- Department of Physics, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Kwang Sun Ryu
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Electronics Telecom. Res. Inst. (E.
- Electronics and T.
- Electronics and Telecom. Research Institute
- 305-350
- Electron. and Telecomm. Res. Inst.
- Electronics and Telecom. Res. Inst.
- Battery Technology Team
External person
E. J. Oh
- Myongji University
- University of Pennsylvannia
- University of Pennsylvania
- Myong Ji University
- Myong-Ji University
- Korea University
- College of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Division of Food Science and Technology
- Division of Food Bioscience
External person
Kyung Hwan Kim
- Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology (WCU)
- Center for Energy Materials Research
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Univ. of Korea
- Konkuk University
- Yonsei University
- Ctr. Electro Photo-Responsive M.
- Korea University
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Ewha Womans University
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Information Device Material Laboratory
- Center for Spintronics Research
- Department of Pediatrics
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Center for Time-Resolved Diffraction
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Functional Polymer Lab.
- Department of Architectural Engineering
- Nano Device Research Center
- Power Quality Technology
- Computer Network Lab.
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
- Nano Device Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
External person
Kwang Sup Lee
- Hannam University
- Department of Advanced Materials, Hannam University
- Department of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering
- Department of Macromolecular Science
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Naval Research Laboratory
- Chemistry Division
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
External person
Mi Suk Kim
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Ctr. Electro Photo-Responsive M.
- Korea University
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Yoon Deok Han
- Department of Physics, Korea University
- Natl. Creative Res. Initiative C.N.
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
H. S. Kang
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Ctr. Electro Photo-Responsive M.
- Korea University
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
J. W. Kim
- Inha University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Mando Machinery Corporation
- Korea University
- Mando Machinery Corporation
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Semiconductor Materials Laboratory
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Power Quality Technology
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Inha University
- Dept. of Polym. Sci. and Eng.
External person
C. Y. Lee
- Korea Univ., Sungbuk-Gu, Anam-D.
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Dept. Chem. Ctr. Electro-and P.
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Photo-electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
External person
Jung Il Jin
- Molecules Korea University
- Nevis Laboratories
- Center for Electro and Photo Responsive Molecules
- Korea Univesity
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- 136-701
- Columbia University, Nevis Labs.
- Center for Electro- and Photo-Responsive Molecules
- Ctr. Electro Photo-Responsive M.
- Columbia University
- Div. Chem. Eng. Inst. Molec. B.
- Korea University
- Department of Chemistry
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Division of Chemistry
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Chemistry and Physics
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Hugeun Song
- University of Incheon
- Incheon National University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea University
External person
J. H. Jung
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
External person
Jae Kwang Lee
- Fuel Cell Center
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Inha University
- Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
- Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- Center for Fuel Cell Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Natl. Res. Lab. on Environ. Biotech.
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Korea University
- Pusan National University
- Department of Physics, Pusan National University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Hyunsoo Lee
- University of Incheon
- Lotte Aluminum
- Korea University Hospital
- Department of Chemistry
- Research Development Department
- Incheon National University
- Research Department
- Korea University
- Novartis
- Department of Cardiology
- Division of Cardiology
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University Ansan Hospital
- Research Institute of Health Science, Korea University
- Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Cardiovascular Center
- Dept. of Food and Nutrition
- Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University
- Research Development Department
- Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Center, Korea University Anam Hospital
- Departments of Internal Medicine, Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine
- Division of Oncology and Hematology
- Research Institute of Health and Sciences
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
External person
Seok Keun Koh
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Thin Film Technology Research Center
- P and I Corporation
- P and I Corporation Ltd.
- P and I R and D Center
External person
Min Ju Cho
- State University of New York
- Kyung Hee University
- State University of New York at Buffalo
- Center for Energy Materials Research
- Center for Electro and Photo Responsive Molecules
- University at Buffalo
- Univ. of Korea
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- SUNY Buffalo
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Research Institute for Natural Sciences
- Orea University
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- College of Environment and Applied Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Functional Polymer Lab.
- Department of Chemistry
- University at Buffalo
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
- Coll. of Environ. and Appl. Chem.
- Korea Universitys
External person
Seok Ho Lee
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Cheol Joon Park
- Department of Physics, Korea University
- Physics Department, Korea University
- Natl. Creative Res. Initiative C.N.
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Soon H. Chang
- Electronics and T.
- Electronics and Telecom. Res. Inst.
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Electron. and Telecomm. Res. Inst.
- Electronics and Telecom. Research Institute
- Electronics Telecom. Res. Inst. (E.
- 305-350
- Battery Technology Team
External person
C. K. Jeong
- Korea Univ., Sungbuk-Gu, Anam-D.
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Dept. Chem. Ctr. Electro-and P.
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Sang Yun Lee
- Korea Univ.
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
S. Han
- P and I Corporation
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Hankook Core Company Ltd.
- Tohoku University
- Korea University
External person
J. S. Baeck
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Hyeon Jung Park
- PhysicsDepartment
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Heon Mo Kim
- LG Electronics
- Technology Center
- Tech Center, LG Chem Co. Ltd
- Korea University
- LG Corporation
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Tech Center
External person
Sun Jeong Lee
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
S. W. Byun
- Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
- Korea Inst. of Industrial Technology
- Korea Inst. of Indust. Technology
External person
G. Du
- The Ohio State University
- Ohio State University
- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
- Univ of Rochester
- Lake Shore Electronics, Inc.
- Department of Physics
- Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.
- Wright-Patterson AFB
- University of Rochester
External person
Changwon Seo
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- University of Ulsan
External person
Krishna P. Dhakal
- University of Incheon
- Institute for Basic Science
- Incheon National University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
S. H. Jeong
- Hanyang University
- Hanyang Univ.
- Dept. of Fiber and Polymer Eng.
- Department of Textile Engineering
- Department of Organic and Nano Engineering
External person
A. G. MacDiarmid
- Ohio State University
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvannia
External person
Jin S. Jung
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Su Jin Kim
- Department of Theriogenology and Biotechnology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
- Seoul National University
- Korea University
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Dong-A University
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- Institute of Human Genetics
- Department of Anatomy and Division of Brain Korea 21 Biomedical Science
- Brain Korea 21 Program for Biomedical Science
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- Emergency Department
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- Robotics Laboratory
- Institute of Human Genetics, Department of Anatomy, Korea University College of Medicine
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- Center for Energy Materials Research
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Department of Anatomy, Korea University College of Medicine, Inchonro
- Institute of Human Genomic Study
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Electronics Engineering Graduate School
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Computational and Synthetic Biology Laboratory
- DNA Link
- School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea University
- Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, College of Medicine, Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Jung San Bio Technology
- Yonsei University
- Ajou University
- Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology
External person
Y. W. Beag
- P and I Corporation
- P and I Corporation Ltd.
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
External person
C. S. Lee
- Korea Inst. of Sci. and Technology
- Korea Institute of Sci. and Technol.
- P and I Corporation
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Nano-Materials Research Center
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Thin Film Technology Research Center
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
J. P. Pouget
- Université de Paris-Sud
- Université Paris(enSud
- Université Paris-Sud
- Ohio State University
- Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (CNRS-URA2)
- Université Paris 13
- Université Paris-Sud
- Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
- Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (CNRS URA 2)
- Université Paris-Saclay
External person
K. T. Park
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
External person
Min Su Kim
- Institute for Basic Science
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Korea University
- Pusan National University
External person
Yongjun Lee
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
J. Tsukamoto
- Polymer Research Laboratories
- Toray Industries, Inc.
- Toray Industries, Inc.
- Ohio State University
- Polymer Research Laboratories
External person
Han Kyun Kim
- Sungkyunkwan Univ.
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Department of Textile Engineering
External person
E. J. Lee
- Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
Chunzhi Cui
- Korea University
- Yanbian University
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Key Laboratory for Natural Resources of the Changbai Mountain and Functional Molecules
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
External person
J. W. Lee
- Osaka University
- JASTEC Co., Ltd.
- Korea University
- Department of Physics, Osaka University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Korea Electronics Technology Institute
- Kyung Hee University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Haesung DS Co., Ltd 508
- Samsung
External person
Seung Hoon Hong
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics and Department of Physics
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
External person
Jubok Lee
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Department of Energy Science, IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
K. M. Kim
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Ctr. Electro Photo-Responsive M.
- Korea University
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Kitae Song
- Sogang Univ.
- Sogang University
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Sogang University
External person
Kwang Man Kim
- Electronics Telecom. Res. Inst. (E.
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- 305-350
- Power Control Device Research Team
External person
Jung Min Ko
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
C. S. Lee
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- P and I Corporation
- Thin Film Technology Research Center
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Nano-Materials Research Center
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
J. S. Kim
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Inst. Sci. Technol., P.O. B.
- Hawolgok-dong
- Electronic Materials Center
- Future Convergence Research Division
- Electronic Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Thin Film Materials Research Center
- KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology
- Materials Science and Engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
- Division of Advanced Metals
- Electronic Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Department of Chemistry
- Macromolecular Science and Engineering
- Electronic Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
- Future Convergence Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
External person
Jae Yoo Kim
- Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
D. W. Lee
- Korea Univesity
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- 136-701
- Ctr. Electro Photo-Responsive M.
- Div. Chem. Eng. Inst. Molec. B.
- Department of Chemistry
- Korea University
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
External person
Yun Heum Park
- Sungkyunkwan Univ.
- Sungkyunhvan University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Department of Textile Engineering
External person
Bong Gi Kim
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Materials Science and Engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan
- Konkuk University
- Department of Organic and Nano System Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
- University of Michigan
- Seoul National University
External person
Jong Won Youn
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
S. A. Jenekhe
- University of Rochester
- Univ of Rochester
- Ohio State University
- University of Washington
- University of Washington
External person
Zhenguo Chi
- Sun Yatsen University
- Sun Yat-Sen University
- Korea University
- School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
External person
D. E. Lee
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Korea University
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Seong Hun Kim
- Hanyang University
- Dept. of Fiber and Polymer Eng.
- Department of Organic and Nano Engineering
External person
G. J. Lee
- The University of Electro-Communications
- Department of Applied Physics
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Hanyang University
- Quantum Photonic Science Res. Center
- Kwangwoon University
- Department of Electrical and Biological Physics
- Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Byong Ho Kim
- Korea University
- Dept. of Mat. Sci. and Engineering
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Material Science and Engineering
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Department of Materials Science and Enginnering
External person
W. P. Lee
- Ohio State University
- The Ohio State University
- Department of Physics, Ohio State University
External person
Ji Won Shin
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Department of Physics and Hybrid Nanostructure Research Lab
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Se Hee Park
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Korea University
External person
F. Liu
- Inha University
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Inha University
External person
Z. H. Wang
- The Ohio State University
- Univ of Rochester
- Ohio State University
- University of Rochester
External person
Ki Yoon Bae
- Korea University
- Department of Material and Science and Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Material Science and Engineering
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University Anam
External person
Ki Hwa Jung
- Korea University
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Functional Polymer Lab.
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
External person
Mi Sun Han
- Korea University
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
External person
Wonjun Choi
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Korea Basic Science Institute
- Institute for Basic Science
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- University of Exeter
External person
Heon Sang Lee
- Technology Center
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Dong-A University
- Dong-A University
- LG Chem
- LG Chem. Ltd.
- Tech Center, LG Chem Co. Ltd
- Performance Polymer Research and Development Institute
- LG Corporation
- Korea University
- Applied Rheology Center
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea University
- Research Park
- Tech Center
External person
Mi Yun Jeong
- Gyeongsang National University
- Ewha Womans University
- Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Department of Chemistry and Research Instiute of Natural Science
- Department of Physics and Hybrid Nanostructure Research Lab
- Department of Physiology
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Bo Ram Jung
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Textile Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Chemical Engineering
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
Kyungkon Kim
- Ewha Womans University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Univesity
- Center for Energy Materials Research
- Korea University
- Division of Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry and Nano Science, Global Top 5 Research Program, EwhaWomans University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Materials Science and Technology Division
- Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center
- Solar Cell Center
- Department of Chemistry and Nano Sciences, Ewha Womans University
- Photo-electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
External person
Hak Seob Noh
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
A. Burns
- The Ohio State University
- Stark Campus
- Univ of Rochester
- Ohio State University
- Kent State University
- University of Rochester
External person
M. S. Cho
- Inha University
- Dept. of Polym. Sci. and Eng.
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
External person
Tae Young Choi
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Korea University
External person
C. Y. Lee
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Hyun Kim
- Institute for Basic Science
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
Seong G. Kang
- Electronics Telecom. Res. Inst. (E.
- 305-350
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
- Korea University
External person
Y. K. Koo
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Guru P. Neupane
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
K. Y. Kim
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Center for Theragnosis, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Biomedical Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Ceramic Processing Research Center
- Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
External person
V. N. Prigodin
- A. F. Ioffe Phys.-Tech. Institute
- Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme
- Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung
- RAS - Ioffe Physico Technical Institute
- Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
- Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
External person
M. Y. Cho
External person
S. G. Yu
- Samsung Adv. Institute of Technology
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Samsung Advanced Inst. of Technology
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
External person
S. J. Park
- Inha University
- Dept. of Polym. Sci. and Eng.
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
External person
Tae Jae Lee
- Hanyang University
- Kunsan National University
- Graduate School of Hanyang University
- Departrnent of Nanotechnology
- Department of Nanotechnology
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
S. H. Kim
- Korea University
- Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SNUST)
- Inje University
External person
J. M. Koo
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
N. G. Park
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Electronics and T.
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Electron. and Telecom. Res. Inst.
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Div. of Mat. Science and Engineering
- Korea University
- Materials Science and Technology Division
- Solar Cell Center
- School of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Div. of Materials Science and Eng.
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
Seung Ho Yang
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Sang Woo Kim
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- University of Science and Technology UST
External person
Soo Young Park
- Seoul National University
- Korea Inst of Science and Technology
- Kyung Hee University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Kyungpook National University
- Liver Cirrhosis Clinical Research Center
- The Korean Liver Cancer Study Group
- Division of Polymers
- Dept. of Fiber and Polymer Science
- School of Materials Science and Engineering
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University
- Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine
- Center for Supramolecular Optoelectronic Materials
- Biomaterials Research Center
- Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University
- Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University Hospital
- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University
- School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Hybrid Materials for Sustainability, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Biomaterials Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University, School of Medicine
External person
Jongwook Park
- Kyung Hee University
- Display Research Center
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Korea National University of Transportation
External person
J. K. Hong
- Seoul National University
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Display and Semiconductor Physics
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Yu Taek Sung
- University of Texas at Austin
- Korea University
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Applied Rheology Center
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
External person
Young Rock Kwon
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Textile Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
Hyunjung Jung
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, Sungbuk-Gu
- Korea University
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
External person
Mai Ha Hoang
- Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Institute of Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
External person
Sunkook Kim
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Kyung Hee University
- Samsung Adv. Institute of Technology
- Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering, Institute for Laser Engineering, Kyung Hee University
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Purdue University
- Multi-Functional Nano/Bio Electronics Laboratory
- School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Advanced Institute Nanotechnology
External person
Ganesh Ghimire
- Institute for Basic Science
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
External person
C. S. Wang
- Univ. of Dayton Research Institute
- University of Dayton
- Ohio State University
External person
Min Ho Koo
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Sung Ho Seo
- Hanyang University
- Department of Nanotechnology
- Pohang University of Science and Technology
External person
C. K. Kum
- LG Chem
- Tech Center, LG Chem Co. Ltd
- Korea University
- LG Corporation
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Tech Center
External person
Ji Hee Kim
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Pusan National University
External person
J. W. Kim
- Inha University
- Inha University, 402-751
- Gyeongbuk Hybrid Technology Institute
- Korea University Ansan Hospital
- Korea University
- Dept. of Polym. Sci. and Eng.
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
- Department of Dermatology
- Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Korea University Medical Center, Guro Hospital
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Inha University
External person
K. S. Kim
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Department of Micro/Nano Systems, Korea University
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Department of Micro/Nano Systems
- Power Quality Technology
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Oh Hyun Sung
- Department of Textile Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
- Sungkyunkwan University
External person
Subash Adhikari
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
External person
Seokho Kim
- Inha University
- Korea University
- University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Min Park
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Inst. of Sci. and Technology
- Korea Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute
- Korea Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute
- Polymer Hybrid Research Center
- Nano Hybrids Research Center
- Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center
- Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Kyung Hee University
- Photo-electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
- Seoul National University
External person
Won Geun Song
- Kyung Hee University
- Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering, Institute for Laser Engineering, Kyung Hee University
External person
Soon Cheol Hong
- University of Ulsan
- University of Ulsan
- Department of Physics and Energy
- Seoul National University
- Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy
External person
Gil Sun Lee
- Kookmin University
- Korea University
- Department of General Education, Kookmin University
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Center for Integrated-Nano-Systems
- Applied Rheology Center
- Research Institute of Clean Chemical Engineering Systems
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea University
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- University of Seoul
External person
So Yeon Chun
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
Y. W. Yoon
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center
- Photo-electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
External person
Jae Il Kim
- Korea University
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
External person
Jae Jin Lee
- SK Hynix Inc
- Research Inst
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Ewha Womans University
- Myongji University
- Semiconductor Division
- Memory R and D Div.
- Electronics and Telecommunications
- Department of Biological Sciences
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Pharmacy, Division of Life Science and Pharmaceuticals, Ewha Womans University
- Ajou University
- School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- College of Pharmacy, Global Top5 Research Program, Ewha Womans University
- SK Hynix Inc.
- R and D Division
- SK Corporation
External person
Kyung Yeon Han
- Samsung
- Samsung Biomedical Research Institute, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Emerging Technology Research Center, Corporate Technology, Operations SAIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Emerging Technology Research Center, Corporate Technology Operations SAIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Korea University
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Bio Therapeutics Lab, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Chemistry
External person
H. B. Choi
- AmorePacific Corporation RandD Center
- Amorepacific Corporation
- Korea University
- Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd.
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
- Central Technology R and D Institute
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Bioscience Research Institute
- Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
External person
Young Soo Kim
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
- Yeungnam University
External person
Yongsup Park
- Korea Res. Inst. of Std. and Science
- Kyung Hee University
- Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
- Surface Analysis Group
- Department of Physics and Research Institute for Basic Sciences
External person
Young Hwan Han
- Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Quantum Optics Lab.
- Quantum Optics Research Division
External person
Sun Gyu Kim
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
H. S. Woo
- Institute for Advanced Engineering
- Institue for Advanced Engineering, Korea
- Electronic Materials Lab.
External person
M. K. Kim
External person
Kwang Jin Kim
- Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
- Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering And Technology
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea University
- University of Nevada, Reno
- University of Nevada
External person
Hee Woo Rhee
- Sokang University
- Sogang Univ.
- Sogang University
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Sogang University
External person
Young Wan Kwon
- Center for Electro- and Photo-Responsive Molecules
- Univ. of Korea
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry and Physics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Graduate School of Convergence Information Technology, Korea University
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Seung Hyun Chae
- Department of Chemistry, Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Korea University
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Korea University
- Department of Chemistry and Research
External person
Byung Cheol Lee
- Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Quantum Optics Lab.
- Quantum Optics Research Division
External person
Jinbao Jiang
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
- Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
External person
Young Bok Lee
- Hanyang University
- Korea University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
- Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Hyoung Joon Jin
- Inha University
- School of Chemical Science and Engineering
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
- Dept. of Polym. Sci. and Eng.
External person
Hyung Suk Hwang
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Hyunjung Lee
- Department of Life Sciences
- Ewha Womans University
- Materials Science and Technology Division
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Kookmin University
External person
Seung Chul Lyu
- Hanyang University
- Kunsan National University
- Department of Nanotechnology
External person
J. W. Jung
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- Korea University
External person
S. Hong
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Korea University
- Ctr. Electro Photo Responsive M.
- Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University
- Research Center for Time-Domain and Nano-Functional Devices
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Department of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Departments of Dermatology, Korea University College of Medicine
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Department of Dermatology
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Graduate School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea University
- Power Quality Technology
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Laboratory of Cell Signaling and Nanomedicine, Department of Dermatology
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Computer Network Lab.
External person
Seong Jun Yoon
- Hybrid Materials for Sustainability, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Seoul National University
External person
Kyu Hyun Choi
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, Korea University
- Computer Network Lab.
- Korea University
- 513 International Center for Converging Technology
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- SK Hynix Inc.
- SK Corporation
External person
H. C. Cheong
- Korea University
- Div. of Mat. Science and Engineering
- Div. of Materials Science and Eng.
External person
Ju Hee Kim
- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Univ.
- Korea Military Academy
- Korea Univ.
- Hanyang University
- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Military Academy
- Components and Materials Physics Research Center, Korea Electronic Technology Institute
- Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
- Korea Electronic Technology Institute
- Korea Electronics Technology Institute
- Korea University
- Korea Military Academy
- Dept. Mechanical Eng.
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, Anam-Dong, Sungbuk-Gu, Seoul 136-713
- Center for Nursing Research
- Korea Military Academy
External person
Seong Won Lee
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea University
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Yeonhee Lee
- Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
External person
Kyoung Ho Kim
- Korea University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Chungbuk National University
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Korea Environment Institute
External person
Boong Soo Jeon
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
Y. G. Lee
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Division of Advanced Materials Engineering
- Kongju National University
- Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
- Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University
External person
J. K. Lee
- Pusan National University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Inha University
- Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- Incheon National University
External person
D. Kim
- University of California
- Sogang University
- University of California at Berkeley
- Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Laboratory
External person
Sung Yeon Jang
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Polymer Hybrid Research Center
- Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
External person
Jang Soo Suh
- Myongji University
- Kyungpook National University
- Yonsei University
- Kyungpook University Hospital
- College of Medicine
- 50 Sanduk-2ga Jung-gu, 700-721
- Kyungpook Natl. University Hospital
- Ewha Womans University
- Dept. of Pathological Physiology
- Department of Laboratory Medicine
- Graduate Program for Nanomedical Science
- Department of Radiology
- Dept. of Pathological Physiology
- Department of Clinical Pathology
- Dept. of Laboratory Medicine
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
External person
Yun Kyun Lee
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- Korea University
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
External person
K. J. Song
- Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
- Applied Superconductivity Group
External person
Jung Il Jin
- Korea University
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
External person
Jong Hak Lee
- Kyung Hee University
- Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering, Institute for Laser Engineering, Kyung Hee University
External person
Woo Sung Moon
- Natl. Creative Res. Initiative C.N.
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Ji Hoon Choi
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Yung Doug Suh
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Daejeon
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
- School of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- NanoBio Fusion Research Center
- Research Center for Convergence NanoRaman Technology
- Laboratory for Advanced Molecular Probing (LAMP)
- Seoul National University
External person
Y. H. Lee
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Jeonbuk National University
- Department of Energy Science
- Dept. Phys. Semiconduct. Phys. R.
- Case Western Reserve University
- Yonsei University
External person
Sungbaek Seo
- Materials Science and Engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
- University of Michigan
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
External person
Suk Young Bae
- Korea University
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
External person
Sun Dal Kim
- Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
External person
Min Sung Kang
- Hanyang University
- Hanyang University Seoul Campus
- Inha University
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
External person
Kyu Hyun Han
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Chong Rae Park
- Seoul National University
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University
- School of Materials Science and Engineering
- Dept. of Fiber and Polymer Science
- School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Hybrid Materials for Sustainability, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
W. K. Yi
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Samsung Advanced Inst. of Technology
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Materials and Devices Lab
- FED Projects
External person
Tae S. Kang
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
Young Jun Yu
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Korea University
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Technion
External person
Il Woo Park
- Korea University Campus
- Korean Basic Science Institute
- Korea Basic Science Institute
- Seoul Branch
- Korea University
- Korea Basic Science Institute
External person
Woong Choi
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Samsung Adv. Institute of Technology
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Sookmyung Women's University
- Kookmin University
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Dongseop Lee
- School of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, Korea University
- Diaplay and Nanosystem Lab.
- Department of Civil
- Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Korea University
- Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
- School of Civil, Environmental, & Architectural Engineering, Korea University
- Display and Nanosystem Laboratory, College of Engineering, Korea University
- SK Engineering and Construction
- Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University
- Research Institute of Engineering and Technology, College of Engineering, Korea University
- SK Corporation
External person
Na Ri Kim
- Korea University
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Material Science, Korea University
- Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Power Quality Technology
- Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Mater. Sci. and Eng.
External person
S. J. Lee
- Seonam University
- Gangneung-Wonju National University
- Kwangju Inst. of Sci. and Technology
- Uiduk University
- IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center
- Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
- University of Iowa
- Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences
- Hanyang University
- NKIC 205
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Rice University
- Seoul National University
- Korea Information Security Agency
- Hanhyo Institute of Technology
- Dongguk Univ.
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
- Korea Institute of Sci. and Technol.
- Yonsei University
- National Cancer Center Research Institute and Hospital
- Korea Photonics Technology Institute
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Korea University College of Medicine
- Kyung Hee University
- School of Dentistry, Seoul National University
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Vilnius University
- KERI (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Pusan National University
- Princeton University
- Wonkwang University
- Korea Potonics Technology Institute
- National Cancer Center Korea
- Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- IBM Research
- Dongguk University
- Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Smart Card Technology Inc.
- Korea University
- Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA)
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Tuntun Orthopaedic Clinics
- Inje University
- Chung-Ang University
- Soonchunhyang University
- Hanall Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
- Ewha Womans University
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Parasitology
- Department of Molecular Biology, College of Natural Science, Pusan National University
- Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanyang University
- Daniel Urology Clinic
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Material Science, Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Department of Urology
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Center for Energy Materials Research
- University of Notre Dame
- Department of Horticulture
- Division of Cardiology
- Advanced Materials Division
- Water Research Center
- Department of Radiological Science
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Display and Nano-Devices Laboratory (L6320)
- Robotics and Bio-mechatronics Lab.
- School of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Pediatrics
- School of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Natl. Creative Res. Initiative C.
- Water Environment and Remediation Research Center
- Center for Agricultural Biomaterials
- Kwangwoon University
- Dept. of Electron. Mat. Engineering
- Center for Information Security Technologies (CIST
- Department of Hematology and Oncology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- School of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Physics and Institute for Nano Science, Korea University
- Genitourinary Cancer Branch
- Department of Pathology
- Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University
- Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
- Systems and Technology Group
- R and D Center
- Display and Nanosystem Laboratory, College of Engineering, Korea University
- Center for Water Resource Cycle, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
- Laboratory of Radiation Experimental Therapeutics
- Department of Food Science and Technology
- Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University
- Center for Neural Science
- Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Korea University College of Medicine
- College of Life Science
- Department of Physics and Institue for Nano Science
- Graduate School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea University
- Center for Water Resource Cycle
- Division of Advanced Materials Engineering
- Jeonbuk National University
- Kyungpook National University
- Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- ?Gangneung-Wonju National University
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
- Lab. of Cell./Molecular Biochemistry
- Division of Oncology/Hematology
- Natl. Res. Lab. on Environ. Biotech.
- Research Institute of Engineering and Technology, College of Engineering, Korea University
- College of Medicine
- Department of Urology
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Center for Human Interface Nano Technology (HINT), Sungkyunkwan University
- Korea Photonics Technology Institute
- Uiduk University
- Division of Materials Science and Engineering
- Yonsei University Mirae Campus
- Hanhyo Institute of Technology
External person
Seong Gi Jo
- Korea University
- National Creative Research Initiative Center for Neurodynamics
- Korea Detector Laboratory, Physics Department, Korea University
External person
Moonhee Kim
- Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry and Research
External person
J. K. Lee
- Korea University
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Molec. Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Woo Nyon Kim
External person
Young Rae Hong
- Korea Univesity
- Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
External person
Jae Yoon Lee
- Korea University
- KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology
- Nanyang Technological University
External person
Sun Woo Yun
- Seoul National University
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University
- Hybrid Materials for Sustainability, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Sung Bum Lee
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
Heung Seob Shin
- Department of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering
- Hannam University
External person
Hwan Myung Kim
- Ajou University
- Korea University
- Division of Energy Systems Research
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Division of Energy Systems Research
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Department of Molecular Science and Technology
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Energy Systems Research and Department of Physics
- Laser Physics Laboratory
External person
Doo Ho Yang
- Korea University
- Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Chemistry
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
External person
D. H. Kim
- Yeungnam University
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Seoul National University
External person
Soong Wook Lee
- Sungkyunkwan University
- School of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
External person
Dae Cheol Kim
- Center for Energy Materials Research
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry and Research
External person
J. W. Yoo
- Ohio State University
- Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- School of Materials Science and Engineering
External person
Jae Won Kim
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Korea University
- Computer Network Lab.
- Samsung
- Nextreaming Corporation
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Mando Machinery Corporation
External person
D. P. Park
- Inha University
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Inha University
External person
In Joo Chin
- Inha University
- School of Chemical Science and Engineering
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Inha University
- Dept. of Polym. Sci. and Eng.
- Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
External person
Hosun Lee
- Kyung Hee University
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Department of Applied Physics, Kyung Hee University
- Coll. of Electronics and Information
- Institute of Natural Sciences
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person