Haneul Ko
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University Seoul
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Smart Quantum Communication Research Center
- University of British Columbia
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Computer Convergence Software
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Korea university, Sejong
- Korea University
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Yanghee Choi
- Korea Univèrsity
- Seoul National University
- Institute of Computer Technology (ICT
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
- Computer Network Research Center
- School of Computer Engineering
- Institute of Computer Technology (ICT)
External person
Jaewook Lee
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Pukyong National University
External person
Taekyoung Kwon
- Korea Univèrsity
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
- School of Computer Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Younghyun Kim
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Korea University
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Robotics Laboratory
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Computer Network Lab.
- Power Quality Technology
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Taewon Song
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- LG Corporation
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Robotics Laboratory
- Advanced Standard RandD Laboratory
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- Power Quality Technology
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Soonchunhyang University
External person
Insun Jang
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University Seoul
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Xuemin S. Shen
- University of Waterloo
- EIT 4155
- Centre for Wireless Communications
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
- University of Alberta
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
External person
Dongeun Suh
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University Seoul
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Samsung
External person
Wonjung Kim
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Korea University
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- School of Electrical Eng.
External person
Joonwoo Kim
- Korea University
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Jon W. Mark
- University of Waterloo
- EIT 4156
- Centre for Wireless Communications
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
External person
Seokwon Jang
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
External person
Chul Hee Kang
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea University1
- Korea University
- Korea University1
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Department Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Robotics Laboratory
- Department of Material Science and Engineering
- Nano Device Research Center
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- Computer Network Research Lab, Department of Electronics Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Computer Network Lab.
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute for Nano Science, Korea University
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Nano Device Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Department of Materials Science and Enginnering
- Department of Electronics Engineering
External person
Giwon Lee
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University Seoul
- Korea University
- Samsung
- Robotics Laboratory
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Hyunhee Park
- French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)
- Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control
- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Lab.
- Brain Korea 21 Information Technology
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Korean Bible University
- IMT Atlantique
- Korean Bible University
External person
Gwangwoo Park
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Eng.
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
External person
Jong Hyouk Lee
- Sangmyung University
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- IMT Atlantique
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Institut Mines-Télécom
- IMARA Team
- Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique
- Sejong University
External person
Victor C.M. Leung
- University of British Columbia
- Shenzhen University
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Shenzhen University
External person
Sol Han
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Kunwoo Park
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Engineering
- School of CSE
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Humphrey Rutagemwa
- University of Waterloo
- Communications Research Centre Canada
- Centre for Wireless Communications
- Centre for Wireless Communications
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
External person
Hosung Baek
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Samsung
External person
Hochan Lee
- School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Korea University
- Institute for Basic Science
- Research Institute of Natural Sciences (RINS)
- Molecular Opto-Electronics Laboratory
- Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
- Department of Chemistry and Research
- Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics
- Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics
- Center for Cell Dynamics
- Department of Chemistry and Center for Multidimensional Spectroscopy
- Molecular Optoelectronics Laboratory
- Institute for Basic Science
- Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics
- Department of Chemistry and CMS
- Laser Physics Laboratory
- Department of Chemistry (BK21)
- Korea Basic Science Institute
External person
Sukjin Choo
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Kideok Cho
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Network Defines Inc.
External person
Patrick Hosein
- University of the West Indies St. Augustine
- The University of the West Indies
External person
Kihun Kim
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Heejun Roh
- Korea University
- Network Research Laboratory
- Network Research Lab. Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University, Anam Campus
- Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
- WCU FNOT Research Center
- Natural Language Processing Lab.
- Future Network Center
- Department of Science and Engineering, Korea University
- Internet Computing Lab.
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Woojung College of Information and Communications, Korea University
- Graduate School of Information Security, CIST, Korea University 1
- Software System Laboratory
External person
Ding Zhu Du
- University of Texas at Dallas
- University of Texas at Austin
- Univ. of Texas at Dallas
- USA and WCU FNOT Research Center
- The University of Texas at Dallas
- Korea University
- Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas
- WCU FNOT Research Center
- World Class University
- University of Texas at Dallas
External person
Seongman Min
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Yongsun Kim
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Korea University
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Computer Network Lab.
External person
Jungwoo Koo
- Korea University
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Minji Nam
- Seoul National University
- Korea Telecom
- KT
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Alexandru Petrescu
- Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Communicating Systems Laboratory
External person
Nakjung Choi
- Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Bell Laboratories
- Bell Labs
- Bell Labs
- AT and T and Bell Laboratories
- Bell-Labs Seoul
- Lucent
- Nokia
External person
Yong Geun Hong
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Standards Research Center
External person
Jaeduck Ko
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
External person
Jaeyong An
- Korea University and Samsung Electronics
- Samsung
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Power Quality Technology
External person
Myung Ki Shin
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Protocol Engineering Center
- Standards Research Center
External person
Joo Sang Youn
- Dong-eui University
- M.Media Engineering
- DongEui University
- Dongeui University
- Dongeui University
- Dept. of Multimedia Engineering
- M.Media Engineering
External person
Jieun Yu
- Korea University
- School of Computer and Communication Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University, Anam Campus
- Natural Language Processing Lab.
- Network Research Laboratory
- WCU FNOT Research Center
- Network Research Lab. Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
- Internet Computing Lab.
- Department of Science and Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Woojung College of Information and Communications, Korea University
- Software System Laboratory
- Hyundai Motor Group
External person
Jiyoung Kwak
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Programmable Infra Research Section
External person
Sohyun Joo
- Korea University
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Hyung Taig Lim
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Ved P. Kafle
- National Institute of Informatics
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Informatics
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Department of Informatics
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Daejin Choi
- Seoul National University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Incheon National University
External person
Kamal Deep Singh
- Dept. of Computer Science, University of Rennes
- University of Rennes
- Universite Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
- IRSA/Telecom
- Institut Mines-Télécom
- IMT Atlantique
- Université de Rennes
External person
Taehong Kim
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Chungbuk National University
External person
Lin Cai
- University of Victoria BC
- Dept of Elec. and Comp. Engr
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
External person
Kyunghwi Kim
- Korea University
- Natural Language Processing Lab.
- Network Research Laboratory
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University, Anam Campus
- School of Computer and Communication Engineering
- Internet Computing Lab.
- Software System Laboratory
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Woojung College of Information and Communications, Korea University
External person
Yeunwoong Kyung
- Dept. of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Korea University
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Computer Network Lab.
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University Seoul
- Korea University
- Samsung
- Robotics Laboratory
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Schools of Electrical Engineering
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, Korea University
- Kongju National University
External person
Ali Kashif Bashir
- Department of Computing
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- School of Computing
- National Fusion Research Institute
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Woojung College of Information and Communications, Korea University
- Korea University
- Software System Laboratory
- Department of Computer and Radio Communications, Korea University
- KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research Center)
- National Fusion Research Center
- National Fusion Research Center
External person
Taewan You
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Jung Soo Park
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Standards Research Center
- Protocol Engineering Center
- Optoelectron. Mat. Research Center
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Display and Nano-Devices Laboratory (L6320)
- Opto-Electric Materials Research Center
- Kyung Hee University
External person
Kyoungae Kim
- Seoul National University
- School of CSE
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- Multimedia and Communication Lab.
- LG Corporation
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Munyoung Lee
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Byoungwook Lee
- LG Electronics Institute of Technology
- Seoul National University
- Information and Technology Lab
- LG Corporation
External person
Han Shik Kim
- Korea University1
- Korea University
- Korea University1
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Young J. Shim
- College of Medicine
- Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Korea University
- Korea University College of Medicine
- Korea University
- Department of Pharmacology
- Department of Pharmacology and BK21 Program for Medical Sciences
External person
Sangjin Hong
- Stony Brook University
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Stony Brook University(SUNY)
External person
Kwon Taekyoung
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Jong In Lee
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Computer Network Lab.
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Xuemin Shen
- University of Waterloo
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
External person
Shigeki Yamada
- National Institute of Informatics
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Informatics
External person
Syed Asad Hussain
- COMSATS University Islamabad
- Department of Computer Sciences
- COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Lahore
External person
Sunwoo Kim
- Hanyang University
- Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Samsung
External person
Byunghyuk Jung
- Korea University
- Natural Language Processing Lab.
- Internet Computing Lab.
- Software System Laboratory
External person
Jihoon Choi
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Woojung College of Information and Communications, Korea University
- Korea University
- School of Computer and Communication Engineering
- Software System Laboratory
- Telecommunications Technology Association
- Telecommunications Technology Association
External person
Jangho Lee
- Seoul National University
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Miyoung Kang
- Department of Embedded Software, Korea University
- Korea University
- Secure Software Research Center
- Center for Information Security, Korea University
External person
Jean Marie Bonnin
- Dept. of Computer Science, University of Strasbourg
- University of Strasbourg
- Université de Strasbourg
- IRSA/Telecom
- Institut Mines-Télécom
- IMT Atlantique
External person
Sungwoon Choi
- Korea University
- Seoul National University
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
- Department of IT Convergence, Korea University
External person
Jong sung Kim
- Kyungsung University
- Electron. and Telecommun. Res. Inst.
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
External person
Jaeyoung Choi
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Seoul National University
External person
Sungroh Yoon
- Korea University
- Seoul National University
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
- School of Electrical Eng.
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Robotics Laboratory
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- Power Quality Technology
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Nanoelectronics Laboratory
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Intel
External person
Kyoung Paik Eun Kyoung Paik
- Seoul National University
- Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
External person
Myung Sup Kim
- Korea University
- Department of Computer and Information Science, Korea University
External person
Muddesar Iqbal
- Division of Computer Science and Informatics
- London South Bank University
External person
Hannan Bin Liaqat
- Department of Information Technology
- University of Gujrat
- University of Gujrat
External person
Yoon Seok Chang
- Seoul National University
- Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
- Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Seoul National University College of Medicine
- Division of Cardiology
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
External person
Md Shamsul Alam
- University of Waterloo
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
External person
Ilkyu Park
- Electron. and Telecommun. Res. Inst.
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
External person
Donghwan Lee
- School of Computer and Communication Engineering
- Korea University
- Korean Agency for Defense Development
External person
Junghwan Song
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Sungmin Baek
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Soonjoon Park
- LG Electronics Inc.
- Mobile Communication Technology Research Lab.
- LG Corporation
External person
Hyunmee Shin
- Korea University
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Computer Network Lab.
External person
Cheoulhoon Jung
- Korea University
- Network Research Lab. Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University, Anam Campus
- Network Research Laboratory
- Department of Science and Engineering, Korea University
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Woojung College of Information and Communications, Korea University
External person
Seunghyun Park
- Graduate School of Information Security, CIST, Korea University 1
- Korea University
- KT
- Hansung University
External person
Hakyung Jung
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Eiji Kamioka
- National Institute of Informatics
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Informatics
External person
Seungik Lee
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Protocol Engineering Center
External person
Yujin Tae
- School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
- Korea University
- School of Electrical, Engineering Korea University
External person
Soonjun Park
- LG Electronics Inc.
- Mobile Communication Technology Research Lab.
- LG Corporation
External person
Namyeong Kim
- School of Electrical and Engineering, Korea University
- Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory
- Korea University
- School of Electrical Eng.
External person
Lee Byoungwook
- Seoul National University
- Multimedia and Mobile Communications Laboratory
External person
Amila Tharaperiya Gamage
- University of Waterloo
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
External person
Sungyong Ahn
- Seoul National University
- Sch. of Comp. Science/Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
External person
Joo Chul Lee
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- Protocol Engineering Center
External person
Kyung Hoe Kim
- Korea University
- Optoelectronics Lab.
- Computer Network Lab.
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology
External person