A serum protein profile predictive of the resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced breast cancers.

Seok Won Hyung, Min Young Lee, Jong Han Yu, Byunghee Shin, Hee Jung Jung, Jong Moon Park, Wonshik Han, Kyung Min Lee, Hyeong Gon Moon, Hui Zhang, Ruedi Aebersold, Daehee Hwang, Sang Won Lee, Myeong Hee Yu, Dong Young Noh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Citations (Scopus)


Prediction of the responses to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) can improve the treatment of patients with advanced breast cancer. Genes and proteins predictive of chemoresistance have been extensively studied in breast cancer tissues. However, noninvasive serum biomarkers capable of such prediction have been rarely exploited. Here, we performed profiling of N-glycosylated proteins in serum from fifteen advanced breast cancer patients (ten patients sensitive to and five patients resistant to NACT) to discover serum biomarkers of chemoresistance using a label-free liquid chromatography-tandem MS method. By performing a series of statistical analyses of the proteomic data, we selected thirteen biomarker candidates and tested their differential serum levels by Western blotting in 13 independent samples (eight patients sensitive to and five patients resistant to NACT). Among the candidates, we then selected the final set of six potential serum biomarkers (AHSG, APOB, C3, C9, CP, and ORM1) whose differential expression was confirmed in the independent samples. Finally, we demonstrated that a multivariate classification model using the six proteins could predict responses to NACT and further predict relapse-free survival of patients. In summary, global N-glycoproteome profile in serum revealed a protein pattern predictive of the responses to NACT, which can be further validated in large clinical studies.

Original languageEnglish
JournalMolecular & cellular proteomics : MCP
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2011 Oct 1
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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