A tether-free, moving actuator total artificial heart

B. G. Min, H. C. Kim, S. H. Lee, J. K. Chang, J. W. Choi, J. W. Kim, K. P. Seo, J. R. Rho, H. Ahn, S. W. Kim, D. B. Olsen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)


    An electromechanical moving-actuator TAH was developed and implanted for 5 days in a calf experiment. The efficiency and durability were further improved using pendulous motion of the actuator. This new pendulum pump has a circular motion produced by gear mechanisms connected to the motor. It has a height (from valves to housing bottom) of 7 cm and centrally directed inlets and outlets for good fittability. Active filling (-10 mmHg) inside inner blood sacs was produced by the suction effects of the outer sacs attached to a moving actuator. Two acute animal experiments were performed using the pendulum pump with a Coridale sheep (50 kg weight), and a male calf (70 kg weight). A test was made of 30 minutes of tether-free operation of the implanted pendulum pump inside the small chest of the calf. The pump shows the engineering feasibility of the implantable electrical TAH inside a human chest cavity.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)M249-M251
    JournalASAIO Transactions
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1990 Jul

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Biophysics


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