A weighted sobolev space theory for the diffusion-wave equations with time-fractional derivatives on C1 domains

Beom Seok Han, Kyeong Hun Kim, Daehan Park

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)


    We introduce a weighted Lp-theory (p > 1) for the time-fractional diffusion-wave equation of the type ∂tαu(t, x) = aij(t, x)uxixj (t, x) + f(t, x), t > 0, x ∈ Ω, where α ∈ (0, 2), ∂tα denotes the Caputo fractional derivative of order α, and Ω is a C1 domain in Rd. We prove existence and uniqueness results in Sobolev spaces with weights which allow derivatives of solutions to blow up near the boundary. The order of derivatives of solutions can be any real number, and in particular it can be fractional or negative.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)3415-3445
    Number of pages31
    JournalDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - 2021 Jul

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 45D05, 45K05, 45N05, 35B65, 26A33. Key words and phrases. Time-fractional equation, Caputo fractional derivative, Sobolev space with weights, variable coefficients, C1 domains. The authors were supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. NRF-2019R1A5A1028324). ∗ Corresponding author.

    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2021 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. All rights reserved.


    • Caputo fractional derivative
    • Domains domains
    • Sobolev space with weights
    • Time-fractional equation
    • Variable coefficients

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Analysis
    • Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
    • Applied Mathematics


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