Adenosine-mediated synaptic depression and EPSP/spike dissociation following high potassium-induced depolarization in rat hippocampal slices

Youn Kwan Park, Eun Sheb Shim, Jae In Oh, Joo Han Kim, Yong Gu Chung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Simultaneous recordings of orthodromic PS, fEPSP and antidromic PS revealed EPSP/spike (E-S) dissociation, indicating a conversion of input/output relations from early and brief excitability to a late and prolonged depression during the recovery from depolarization induced by high levels of potassium. E-S potentiation was partially attenuated by pre-treating the slices with BAPTA-AM and lidocaine and totally eliminated by a submaximal concentration of muscimol. The time lag for recovery was decreased by the GABAA antagonist and completely eliminated by the A1 antagonist. From these observations, we conclude that Ca2+ dependent inhibitory suppression is the main cause of a brief period of E-S potentiation, and accumulation of adenosine is the mechanism responsible for prolonged depression of synaptic transmission.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)237-243
Number of pages7
JournalBrain Research
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2003 Jun 13
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This study was supported by the Brain Korea 21 project in 2002 and a grant to Dr Youn-Kwan Park from the Korea University Medical Science Research Center (Grant No. HO311000). All procedures were in accordance with guidelines outlined by the Institutional Animal care and Use Committee of Korea University.


  • Depolarization
  • EPSP/spike dissociation
  • High K irrigation
  • Hippocampus

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Neuroscience
  • Molecular Biology
  • Clinical Neurology
  • Developmental Biology


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