An embedding technique to determine ττ backgrounds in proton-proton collision data

CMS Collaboration

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


An embedding technique is presented to estimate standard model it backgrounds from data with minimal simulation input. In the data, the muons are removed from reconstructed nn events and replaced with simulated tau leptons with the same kinematic properties. In this way, a set of hybrid events is obtained that does not rely on simulation except for the decay of the tau leptons. The challenges in describing the underlying event or the production of associated jets in the simulation are avoided. The technique described in this paper was developed for CMS. Its validation and the inherent uncertainties are also discussed. The demonstration of the performance of the technique is based on a sample of proton-proton collisions collected by CMS in 2017 at √s = 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity o 41.5 fb-1.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberP06032
JournalJournal of Instrumentation
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2019 Jun 21

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of Sissa Medialab. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence.


  • Pattern recognition, cluster finding, calibration and fitting methods
  • Performance of high energy physics detectors

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Instrumentation
  • Mathematical Physics


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