Continuous production of lactosucrose by immobilized Sterigmatomyces elviae mutant

Jong Ho Lee, Jung Soo Lim, Chulhwan Park, Seong Woo Kang, Hyun Yong Shin, Seung Won Park, Seung Wook Kim

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    23 Citations (Scopus)


    In this study, in order to develop a continuous production process of lactosucrose in a packed-bed reactor, Sterigmatomyces elviae ATCC 18894 was selected and mutated. The mutant strain of S. elviae showed 54.3% higher lactosucrose production than the wild type. Reaction conditions such as temperature, pH, substrate concentration and flow rate were also optimized. Under optimized reaction conditions (50°C, pH 6.0, 25% sucrose and 25% lactose as substrate, flow rate 1.2 ml/min), the maximum concentration of lactosucrose (192 g/l) was obtained. In a packed-bed reactor, continuous production of lactosucrose was performed using S. elviae mutant immobilized in calcium alginate, and about 180 g/l of lactosucrose production was achieved for 48 days.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1533-1537
    Number of pages5
    JournalJournal of microbiology and biotechnology
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - 2007 Sept


    • Continuous production
    • Lactosucrose
    • Packed-bed reactor
    • Sterigmatomyces elviae mutant
    • Whole-cell immobilization

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Biotechnology
    • Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology


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