Curly: An AI-based curling robot successfully competing in the Olympic discipline of curling

Dong Ok Won, Byung Do Kim, Ho Jung Kim, Tae San Eom, Klaus Robert Müller, Seong Whan Lee

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    6 Citations (Scopus)


    Most artificial intelligence (AI) based learning systems act in virtual or laboratory environments. Here we demonstrate an AI-based curling robot system named 'Curly' that competes on a real-world curling ice sheet. Curly encompasses (1) an AI-based curling strategy and simulation engine under consideration of the high 'icy' uncertainty, (2) the thrower robot enabled by autonomous driving with traction control, and (3) the skip robot that allows to recognize the curling field and stone configuration based on vision technology. The Curly performed well both: in classical game situations and when interacting with human opponents, namely, the top-ranked Korean amateur high school curling team.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018
    EditorsJerome Lang
    PublisherInternational Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
    Number of pages3
    ISBN (Electronic)9780999241127
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    Event27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018 - Stockholm, Sweden
    Duration: 2018 Jul 132018 Jul 19

    Publication series

    NameIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
    ISSN (Print)1045-0823


    Other27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    This work was supported by Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2017-0-00521, 2017-0-01779).

    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2018 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.All right reserved.

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Artificial Intelligence


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