Current Status and Future Directions of Tropospheric Photochemical Ozone Studies in Korea

Gangwoong Lee, Jeong Hoo Park, Dai Gon Kim, Myeong Shin Koh, Meehye Lee, Jin Seok Han, Jo Chun Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


Abstract Ozone is a critical chemical species for sustaining natural oxidizing power of atmosphere, as it is the most abundant oxidant species, as well as the precursor of most strong oxidants, such as OH and NO3 radicals in the troposphere. Although it plays an important role in reducing lifetimes of various pollutants in troposphere, it is also regarded as a criteria pollutant due to its adverse impact on human and ecological health. Long-term observations showed significant and rapidly increasing tends of tropospheric ozone in Korea. Ozone is the fast-rising public concern in air quality next to traditional PM pollution. This review summarizes the studies from the past 20 years associated with photochemical ozone in Korea, covering issues of long-term ozone trends analysis, its precursor emission inventories, biogenic VOCs emission, impact on the ecosystem, background ozone and long-range transport, health impacts, climate feedback, aerosol surface effects for HO2 heterogeneous reaction and radiation budget, radicals budgets and their implications. Considering the current status of scientific findings, advance of knowledge, and challenge of recent ozone studies, this review focuses on delivering future directions of ozone studies in Korea. Present recommendations for the future ozone R&D include: 1) continuous promotion of basic science for solving fundamental aspects of ozone productions and transport, 2) strengthening specifically the regional studies for ozone unattained areas, 3) developing collaborative implementation plan for multi-ministerial R&D platforms, 4) extension and outreach of international research collaboration, including long-term intensive field campaigns, 5) multi-pollutant approach and partnership with PM studies for practical and effective framework of R&D strategies and capabilities with limited resources.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)419-441
Number of pages23
JournalJournal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020


  • Ozone
  • Pollution
  • R&D
  • Status
  • Trends

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
  • Pollution
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Chemistry


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