Deployment of the linear array with geophones on the fault zone of the 2016 mw 5.5 gyeongju earthquake

Hobin Lim, Young Hee Kim, Jaeseoung Han, Yeongjae Choi, Yunsun Jung, Hyunsun Kang, Min Hyug Koh, Jun Yong Park, Min Seong Seo, Young Oh Son, Sangwoo Han, Junkee Rhie, Ki Baek Kwon, Byeong Seok Ahn, Dabeen Heo, Joa Kwon, Tae Seob Kang, Gyeongdon Chai, Jin Han Ree, Gyeongdon ChaiKwang Hee Kim

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    3 Citations (Scopus)


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    Earth and Planetary Sciences