Development of chloride induced stress corrosion cracking test method for austenitic stainless steel using C(T) specimen

Jae Yoon Jeong, Myeong Woo Lee, Yun-Jae Kim

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    In this paper, a chloride-induced stress-corrosion-cracking (CISCC) test method for spent nuclear-fuel-storage canisters is presented. The developed tester is easy to use with a standard compact-tension (C(T)) specimen and the load is applied by a constant displacement. The experiment is not only accelerated since the specimen is immersed, but the signal stability also increases, because the load cell is separated from the chloride environment. The experiment was performed for 28 days with two specimens manufactured using austenitic stainless steel 304. As results, relaxed loads were 4,382.2 and 3,980.8 N and crack-growth lengths were 1.41E-4 and 1.77E-4 m respectively. From this data, stress-intensity factors were calculated as 40.0 and 41.8 MPa m using the relaxed loads. Therefore, a new test method for evaluating defects by CISCC using the developed tester is suggested based on the experimental results.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)401-408
    Number of pages8
    JournalTransactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, A
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2019 Jan 1


    • Austenitic Stainless Steel
    • Chloride Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking
    • Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister
    • Stress Intensity Factor

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Mechanical Engineering


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