Fast mode decision algorithm for inter-layer coding in scalable video coding

Seon Tae Kim, Krishna Reddy Konda, Chun Su Park, Chang Sik Cho, Sung Jea Ko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

40 Citations (Scopus)


Scalable video coding (SVC) is currently developed as an extension of H.264/AVC. In the SVC encoder, an exhaustive search technique is employed to select the best coding mode for each macro block (MB). This technique achieves an optimal trade-off between rate and distortion, but it requires an extremely large encoding time. In this paper, we propose a fast mode decision algorithm for inter-layer coding at the enhancement layer. The proposed algorithm predicts the mode of each MB at the enhancement layer using the modes of a co-located MB and its neighboring MBs at the base layer. The proposed method can achieve a time saving of up to 74 % in spatial scalability and 63 % in coarse grain quality scalability with negligible loss of quality and bit rate increment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1572-1580
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
1This work was supported in part by the IT R&D program of Ministry of Knowledge Economy/Institute for Information Technology Advancement, Republic of Korea under Grant no. 2008-S-001-01 “Development of the Rich UCC Technology” S.-T. Kim, K.-R. Konda, and C.-S. Cho are with S/W Contents Research Lab., ETRI, in Daejeon 305-700, South Korea (email: [email protected]) C.-S. Park and S.-J. Ko are with Department of Electronic Engineering, Korea University in Seoul 136-713, South Korea. Contributed Paper Manuscript received July 7, 2009 0098 3063/09/$20.00 © 2009 IEEE


  • Coarse grain quality scalability
  • Combined scalability
  • Fast mode decision
  • Inter-layer coding
  • Scalable video coding
  • Spatial scalability
  • Temporal scalability

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Media Technology
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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