Improved measurements of branching fractions and CP partial rate asymmetries for B→ωK and B→ωπ

C. M. Jen, P. Chang, K. Abe, K. Abe, I. Adachi, H. Aihara, D. Anipko, K. Arinstein, V. Aulchenko, A. M. Bakich, E. Barberio, M. Barbero, A. Bay, I. Bedny, K. Belous, U. Bitenc, I. Bizjak, A. Bondar, A. Bozek, M. BračkoT. E. Browder, A. Chen, W. T. Chen, B. G. Cheon, S. K. Choi, Y. Choi, Y. K. Choi, A. Chuvikov, S. Cole, J. Dalseno, M. Dash, A. Drutskoy, S. Eidelman, D. Epifanov, S. Fratina, N. Gabyshev, T. Gershon, A. Go, G. Gokhroo, B. Golob, H. Ha, J. Haba, T. Hara, K. Hayasaka, H. Hayashii, M. Hazumi, D. Heffernan, Y. Hoshi, S. Hou, W. S. Hou, Y. B. Hsiung, T. Iijima, K. Inami, A. Ishikawa, R. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, Y. Iwasaki, J. H. Kang, P. Kapusta, N. Katayama, H. Kawai, T. Kawasaki, H. R. Khan, H. Kichimi, H. J. Kim, Y. J. Kim, P. Križan, P. Krokovny, R. Kulasiri, R. Kumar, C. C. Kuo, A. Kuzmin, Y. J. Kwon, G. Leder, S. E. Lee, Y. J. Lee, T. Lesiak, S. W. Lin, D. Liventsev, F. Mandl, T. Matsumoto, S. McOnie, W. Mitaroff, H. Miyake, H. Miyata, Y. Miyazaki, T. Nagamine, Y. Nagasaka, E. Nakano, M. Nakao, Z. Natkaniec, S. Nishida, O. Nitoh, T. Nozaki, S. Ogawa, T. Ohshima, S. Okuno, Y. Onuki, H. Ozaki, H. Palka, C. W. Park, H. Park, L. S. Peak, R. Pestotnik, L. E. Piilonen, A. Poluektov, Y. Sakai, T. Schietinger, O. Schneider, A. J. Schwartz, R. Seidl, M. E. Sevior, M. Shapkin, H. Shibuya, B. Shwartz, A. Somov, N. Soni, S. Stanič, H. Stoeck, T. Sumiyoshi, F. Takasaki, K. Tamai, M. Tanaka, G. N. Taylor, Y. Teramoto, X. C. Tian, T. Tsukamoto, S. Uehara, T. Uglov, S. Uno, P. Urquijo, Y. Usov, G. Varner, K. E. Varvell, S. Villa, C. C. Wang, C. H. Wang, M. Z. Wang, Y. Watanabe, E. Won, A. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamashita, M. Yamauchi, L. M. Zhang, Z. P. Zhang, V. Zhilich, A. Zupanc

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11 Citations (Scopus)


We report improved measurements of B to pseudoscalar-vector decays containing an ω meson in the final state. Our results are obtained from a data sample that contains 388×106 BB̄ pairs accumulated at the Υ(4S) resonance, with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. We measure the following branching fractions: B(B+→ωK+)= [8.1±0.6(stat.)±0.6(syst.)]×10-6, B(B+→ωπ+)= [6.9±0.6(stat.)±0.5(syst.)]×10-6, and B(B0→ωK0)= [4.4-0.7+0.8(stat.)±0.4(syst.)]×10-6. The partial width ratio Γ(B+→ωK+)Γ(B0→ωK0)=1.7±0.3(stat.) ±0.1(sys.). We also set the 90% confidence level upper limit B(B0→ωπ0)<2.0×10-6. In addition, we obtain the partial rate asymmetries ACP=0.05-0.07+0.08(stat.)±0.01(syst.) for B+→ωK+, and ACP=-0.02±0.09(stat.)±0.01(syst.) for B+→ωπ+.

Original languageEnglish
Article number111101
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2006

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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