Nuclear structure and β -decay schemes for Te nuclides beyond N=82

B. Moon, C. B. Moon, P. A. Söderström, A. Odahara, R. Lozeva, B. Hong, F. Browne, H. S. Jung, P. Lee, C. S. Lee, A. Yagi, C. Yuan, S. Nishimura, P. Doornenbal, G. Lorusso, T. Sumikama, H. Watanabe, I. Kojouharov, T. Isobe, H. BabaH. Sakurai, R. Daido, Y. Fang, H. Nishibata, Z. Patel, S. Rice, L. Sinclair, J. Wu, Z. Y. Xu, R. Yokoyama, T. Kubo, N. Inabe, H. Suzuki, N. Fukuda, D. Kameda, H. Takeda, D. S. Ahn, Y. Shimizu, D. Murai, F. L. Bello Garrote, J. M. Daugas, F. Didierjean, E. Ideguchi, T. Ishigaki, S. Morimoto, M. Niikura, I. Nishizuka, T. Komatsubara, Y. K. Kwon, K. Tshoo

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    30 Citations (Scopus)


    We study for the first time the internal structure of Te140 through the β-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of Sb140. The very neutron-rich Sb140 nuclei with Z=51 and N=89 were produced by the in-flight fission of U238 beams at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory, RIKEN. The half-life and spin-parity of Sb140 are reported as 173±12 ms and 3-, respectively. In addition to the excited states of Te140 produced by the β-decay branch, the β-delayed one-neutron and two-neutron emission branches were also established. By identifying the first 2+ and 4+ excited states of Te140, we found that Te isotopes persist in their vibrator character with E(4+)/E(2+)=2. We discuss the distinctive features manifest in this region revealed in pairs of isotopes with the same neutron holes and particles with respect to N=82.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number044322
    JournalPhysical Review C
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2017 Apr 25

    Bibliographical note

    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2017 American Physical Society.

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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