Observation of scaling of the photon structure function F2 at low Q2

H. Aihara, M. Alston-Garnjost, R. E. Avery, A. Barbaro-Galtieri, A. R. Barker, A. V. Barnes, B. A. Barnett, D. A. Bauer, P. H.U. Bengtsson, D. L. Bintinger, G. J. Bobbink, T. S. Bolognese, A. D. Bross, C. D. Buchanan, A. Buijs, D. O. Caldwell, A. R. Clark, G. D. Cowan, D. A. Crane, O. I. DahlK. A. Derby, J. J. Eastman, P. H. Eberhard, T. K. Edberg, A. M. Eisner, R. Enomoto, F. C. Erné, T. Fujii, J. W. Gary, W. Gorn, J. M. Hauptman, W. Hofmann, J. E. Huth, J. Hylen, T. Kamae, H. S. Kaye, K. H. Kees, R. W. Kenney, L. T. Kerth, Winston Ko, R. I. Koda, R. R. Kofler, K. K. Kwong, R. L. Lander, W. G.J. Langeveld, J. G. Layter, F. L. Linde, C. S. Lindsey, S. C. Loken, A. Lu, X. Q. Lu, G. R. Lynch, R. J. Madaras, K. Maeshima, B. D. Magnuson, J. N. Marx, G. E. Masek, L. G. Mathis, J. A.J. Matthews, S. J. Maxfield, S. O. Melnikoff, E. S. Miller, W. Moses, R. R. McNeil, P. Nemethy, D. R. Nygren, P. J. Oddone, H. P. Paar, D. A. Park, S. K. Park, D. E. Pellett, M. Pripstein, M. T. Ronan, R. R. Ross, F. R. Rouse, K. A. Schwitkis, J. C. Sens, G. Shapiro, M. D. Shapiro, B. C. Shen, W. E. Slater, J. R. Smith, J. S. Steinman, M. L. Stevenson, D. H. Stork, M. G. Strauss, M. K. Sullivan, T. Takahashi, J. R. Thompson, N. Toge, S. Toutounchi, R. Van Tyen, B. Van Uitert, G. J. VanDalen, R. F. Van Daalen Wetters, W. Vernon, W. Wagner, E. M. Wang, Y. X. Wang, M. R. Wayne, W. A. Wenzel, J. T. White, M. C.S. Williams, Z. R. Wolf, H. Yamamoto, S. J. Yellin, C. Zeitlin, W. M. Zhang

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    40 Citations (Scopus)


    The structure function F2 for a quasireal photon has been measured in the reaction ee'eeX for Q2 in the range 0.2<Q2<7 GeV2, by use of 9200 multihadron events obtained with the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC storage ring PEP. The data have been corrected for detector effects by a regularized unfolding procedure and are presented as F2(x,Q2). The structure function shows scaling in the region 0.3<Q2<1.6 GeV2, x<0.3, and rises for higher Q2 and x>0.1. Below Q2=0.3 GeV2, scaling breaks down in accordance with the finite cross-section bound for real photons.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)97-100
    Number of pages4
    JournalPhysical review letters
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1987

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Physics and Astronomy


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