Sequential reactions toward a high-pressure H2 generation from a mixture of sodium borohydride and formic acid

Safira Ramadhani, Chan Kim, Jaewon Kirk, Hyuntae Sohn, Suk Woo Nam, Yongmin Kim, Kwang Ho Song, Hyangsoo Jeong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Chemical compression enables direct high-pressure hydrogen generation from chemical hydrogen storage materials in a closed system. By utilizing a water-soluble catalyst, this method achieves rapid formic acid (FA)-mediated sodium borohydride (SBH) hydrolysis, followed by FA dehydrogenation at moderate temperatures, using a mixture of SBH and FA. The sequential reactions facilitate simultaneous dehydrogenation of both carriers without mutual inhibition, resulting in impressive hydrogen pressures (650 bar) and storage capacities (4.22 wt % and 48.25 gH2 L−1) with minimal CO content. The exothermic SBH hydrolysis and endothermic FA dehydrogenation effectively enable heat-coupling reactions, enhancing overall process efficiency. Moreover, the study introduces a cost-effective SBH regeneration method, evaluating the closed hydrogen cycle's feasibility in SBH-FA chemical compression technology. Economic analysis demonstrates reduced compressor size and overall cost benefits at hydrogen fueling stations, making this innovative approach promising for fuel-cell-based electric vehicle refueling at 700 bars, with potential energy and cost savings.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101759
JournalCell Reports Physical Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024 Jan 17

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)


  • chemical compressor
  • chemical hydrogen storage materials
  • formic acid
  • high-pressure hydrogen generation
  • sodium borohydride

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemistry
  • General Materials Science
  • General Engineering
  • General Energy
  • General Physics and Astronomy


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