Surgical considerations for recurrent stress urinary incontinence after the midurethral sling procedure: Redo midurethral sling and shortening of the tape

Sang Bok Nam, Jae Hyun Bae, Jeong Gu Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: There are no clear-cut guidelines of how to treat patients who have failed after a tension-free midurethral sling (MUS) procedure. We describe our experience with repeat MUS procedures and transvaginal shortening of the previously implanted tape for those patients with an initially failed MUS procedure. Materials and methods: We reviewed the medical records of the patients who failed with their initial MUS procedure and then had a second operation. Of the 20 women, 14 patients had repeat MUS and another 6 patients underwent shortening of the implanted tape. Repeated MUS was done by either the retropubic or transobturator pathway. Shortening of the tape was done with a metal hemoclip to shorten the previously implanted tape. The preoperative characteristics and the intraoperative and postoperative data were assessed by reviewing the operative notes, medical records and office notes. Results: The mean interval between the first and repeat procedures was 8.4 months (range: 1-48). The mean follow up time after the second operation was 29.9 months (range: 7-70). Seven patients underwent repeat MUS instead of tape shortening because the implanted tape had migrated or severe adhesions were noted on the intraoperative findings. Ten (71.4%) of 14 patients who underwent repeat MUS achieved full continence, while 4 patients (28.6%) had significant improvement. Of the patients with tape shortening, 4 (66.6%) achieved full continence, one (16.7%) improved and one (16.7%) was failed. Conclusions: Based on our limited experience, a repeat MUS sling procedure or tension revision of the tape might be an effective treatment for the patients with failed MUS.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)527-535
Number of pages9
JournalKorean Journal of Urology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2007 May
Externally publishedYes


  • Reoperation
  • Tension-free vaginal tape
  • Treatment failure
  • Urinary incontinence

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Urology


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