Tunneling magnetoresistance and magnetization switching of CoFeSiB free layered magnetic tunnel junctions

J. Y. Hwang, S. S. Kim, M. Y. Kim, J. R. Rhee, B. S. Chun, Y. K. Kim, T. W. Kim, S. S. Lee, D. G. Hwang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


To reduce magnetization switching field (Hsw) of submicrometer-sized magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), amorphous ferromagnetic Co70.5Fe4.5Si15B10 free layered MTJs were studied and compared to Co75Fe25 and Ni80Fe20 free layered MTJs. As a CoFeSiB film has a low saturation magnetization ( Ms = 560 emu / cm3) and a high anisotropy constant ( Ku = 2800 erg / cm3), although CoFeSiB free layered MTJs had a slightly lower tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratio than that of CoFe free layered MTJ, the MTJs exhibited much lower Hsw than that of CoFe free layered MTJ, and higher sensitivity than that of CoFe and NiFe free layered MTJs. Results of micromagnetic simulation on magnetization switching processes confirmed that the magnetization in CoFeSiB free layered MTJ switched almost uniformly. Moreover, the surface roughness became more uniform and breakdown voltage increased by inserting CoFeSiB into free layer. The CoFeSiB free layered MTJ structures were found to be beneficial for the switching characteristics such as reducing Hsw and increasing the sensitivity in micrometer-sized elements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e231-e233
JournalJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Issue number2 SPEC. ISS.
Publication statusPublished - 2006 Aug

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant (No. KRF-2005-015-C00157) funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD), the Korea Ministry of Science and Technology under contract National Research Laboratory Program, and the National Program for Tera-level Nanodevices as a 21st Century Frontier Program.


  • CoFeSiB
  • Magnetic tunnel junction
  • Magnetization switching
  • Switching field
  • Tunneling magnetoresistance

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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