Two-step versus one-step model of the interpolarization conversion and statistics of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot elongations

A. V. Koudinov, B. R. Namozov, Yu G. Kusrayev, S. Lee, M. Dobrowolska, J. K. Furdyna

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)


    The magneto-optical interpolarization conversions by a layer of quantum dots have been investigated. Various types of polarization response of the sample were observed as a function of external magnetic field and of the orientation of the sample. The full set of experimental dependences is analyzed in terms of a one-step and a two-step model of spin evolution. The angular distribution of the quantum dots over the directions of elongation in the plane of the sample is taken into account in terms of the two models, and the model predictions are compared with experimental observations.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number045309
    JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2008 Jul 11

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
    • Condensed Matter Physics


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